New things at the Farm!


Our new rare breed poultry enclosures were opened by the Mayor of Merton, Cllr David Chung today!

A massive thank you to the many staff and volunteers who have worked around the clock to get them built, as well as the Grange Farm Centre Trust and the Charlotte Heber-Percy Charitable Trust for helping to fund the project.

More enclosures will be appearing over the summer as we continue to redevelop the area, so why not pay us a visit and see the chickens enjoying their ‘free range’ home!


More enclosures will be appearing over the summer as we continue to redevelop the area, so why not pay us a visit and see the chickens enjoying their ‘free range’ home!

And, as if that’s not enough, we have also installed a new hand washing point at the Farm.

Funded by Circle Housing Merton Priory, the new sink is located in the picnic area, near the play ground, making it even easier to wash your hands after feeding the animals!



Good Stuff at The Farm!


We were delighted to welcome Angelica Bell to the Farm recently to film some short videos about city farms for Munch Bunch.

Here’s one of them. See how many of our animals you recognise!
[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”][/youtube]

Horses are on holiday!

Yesterday our horses cashed in their annual leave and went on holiday!

After working hard all summer, the horses (and the Riding School staff too!) are on vacation! They’re off enjoying the countryside for the next 10 days (the horses that is, not the staff, though I’m sure they’ll be having a nice relaxing time too!) Hilly and Sinatra certainly look like their having fun already.

Due to the horses being away, there are no pony rides until Saturday 6th September, and as the stables office will be unmanned, if you need to get in touch with the Riding School it will probably be worth trying again in two weeks time. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
